Gen Z on Top

     As cliche as it sounds, the world around us is changing every day due to technology. Chapter one of The Essentials of Social Media Marketing discusses how social media has grown its platform rapidly and with that success, they have been able to adapt the marketing strategy. In the past, experts would have relied on advertisements through newspapers and building relationships with top companies. However, market experts have found a new avenue to promote their products. This new method is through brand deals with social media influencers.

    This change has allowed companies to reach more consumers through social media by building relationships and targeting their ideals. For example, Addison Rae was a simple girl who started making videos and ended up landing a role in a movie due to the attention she gained through TikTok. This strategy is very effective for businesses, especially the beauty and fashion industry. Instead of relying on carefully crafted commercials, businesses are relying on teenagers to catch the attention of their peers while wearing their products. A one-minute video can lead to a vast amount of purchases. This success leads to the development of untrust within the industry. Consumers have to question whether the person who filmed the video enjoyed the product or if they were doing it to make money.

Overall, the development of a new strategy to reach consumers at higher rates has allowed businesses to be able to focus on better techniques to appeal to their target audience. People make decisions based on how they want to present themselves. What’s better than having their dream person showboat a new product that is mentioned to change their life? Social media influencers have pushed marketers to think outside the box and have time to work on other marketing strategies. Social media platforms have allowed businesses to gain attention without doing a lot of work themselves. 


  1. I agree. There is a strategy and sometimes people just get into the algorithm without trying. Thinking outside the box is a great way to go about it.


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