Planners and Lattes Galore

The beginning of the semester is notorious for having a bad reputation with students. It's the time of year where the weather is warm, and we’re stuck indoors. Students are waning off the summer highs of their luxury vacations or their free time consumed by naps or binging TV shows. Some students miss their work routine and being able to make money. Regardless of their circumstances, students are forced to leave their homes and their king-sized mattresses to be entrapped in the small world of ONU. Even as a third-year student, move-in day was just as stressful for my last year as it was as a freshman. Yet, my stomach was consumed with anxiety and nerves. Did I check my list a dozen times? Of course. Did I still miss something? Definitely. Once on campus, students' attention are torn between trying to prepare for class, catching up with friends, and joining organizations. 

Since arriving on campus, my schedule like many other students, has been filled with meetings, events, and trips to pick up necessities. Moving in the freshman, practically sucked the energy out of me. By the time we were done, I returned to my apartment and took a five-hour nap. Talk about being exhausted. Of course, there have been numerous fun events such as having iced blonde lattes at Starbucks with my friends, going to the fair in Lima, and grocery bingo. Unfortunately, I wasn’t lucky enough to win anything. Once classes started, my time was dedicated to meetings and getting my schedule organized. I finally learned how to have all my assignments transferred onto my Google Calendar which can be considered a huge success. 

Furthermore, I have written out my schedule with recruitment meetings, Greek life events, school activities, and exec meetings. Even though, I enjoy these organizations, having a full schedule can be difficult for many people. Less difficult and more overwhelming for this overthinker. I plan to have many nights with my books out drinking some expresso to stay awake. However, the most important aspect is to take care of ourselves so I try to reward myself. For example, my friends and I had a back-to-school dinner at Olive Garden. It’s beneficial to take some time to take a break and read or relax so students don’t overwork themselves. Sometimes students get so overwhelmed thinking about the future that they forget to live in the present. I can fall victim to this.


  1. Iced blonde vanilla lattes are one of my favorite drinks! PSA pumpkin spice comes out tomorrow! I hope you are getting settled into your new routine!

  2. I'm so excited for recruitment! It was nice meeting some of the new freshmen at Klondike's Crew but it was definitely exhausting!

  3. Hey Aubrianna! Move in day was stressful I definitely agree. You were also right about the schedules since campus arrival have been filled with meetings, events, and trips. I think they have slowly started going away. I'm glad you wrote about rewarding yourself with a back-to-school dinner as I could do something like this once in a while. Fun Read!

  4. Love your photo, super aesthetic! Hope you schedule calms down soon and you can enjoy the start of the year!


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