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Living Vicariously Through Another

       Chapter 12 of “The Essentials of Social Media Marketing” highlights the strengths of blogs, vlogs, podcasts and webinars. To be honest, I feel these forms of communication are a bit outdated compared to other social media platforms and communication techniques. However, every platform has its positive and negative outcomes. When I think of blogs, vlogs and podcasts it takes me back to my childhood. I think when we were in middle school, these networks were at their peak. This change happened because people started to become obsessed with being able to see and hear about someone's life while multitasking. Rather than sit down and read a memoir, people can listen to a vlog about someone's travel guide and cook dinner. Most people love multitasking to make efficient use of their time. Plus, it is more interesting to see someone’s experience rather than just read about it.       The main communication network that I believe is still popular today is vlogging. I don’t follo

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